I've always wondered how it's like being in a crowd of millions of people. I've never been in a rock concert nor some stupid rally, but I bet this is more exciting than that.
Every year I watch this on television and just marvel at these people. These people fighting and even dying just to get ahold of that piece of rope. One day I was talking to my little friend Ryan and asked him if he would wanna go witness the real thing. He gladly said yes.
So on that day, after a long walk from the train station we finally got to the place where the procession started. This is where huge amount of people began piling up.
We thought it was the Nazarene, but it was just some pickpocket being beaten up by the crowd. You don't do that in there. You're dead.
I guess that man on the tree fell asleep waiting for the Nazarene to pass by.
Vendors selling white towels with the Nazarene's face on it. We each bought one.
Devotees on foot as part of their sacrifice.
We walked and walked til we found a great spot where we had the perfect look of the procession. At the top of a waiting shed.
As hours passed, more and more people went by.

We got hungry. Good thing there's food everywhere. This kid ate pancit on some plastic bag. We had some boiled eggs.
People throw in their towels as devotees rub them on Nazarene replicas and throw them back. They believe by doing so this would heal their wounds and sickness.

After a couple more hours... A huge wave approached.
You begin to see the rope that's pulling the Nazarene being swirled around by devotees dying to get ahold of it.
The Black Nazarene approaching.
"Viva Viva!" The devotees chant as they waive their white towels.
Covered by lots of people, you can barely see the Nazarene.
Everyone fighting to get near...
Including women.
During the procession you would expect injuries to happen, and good thing there are ambulances on standby.
Wow. That was something.
Just look at what faith gives you. No matter how much suffering these people get into, no matter what the cost, you still know that at the end of the day it is faith that keeps them going. Afterall, we all need something to believe in.
That's about it. An overwhelming experience. Godbless!
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